When God calls you must be willing to say "Here I am send me!"
Sometimes it takes a leap of faith accepting that He will provide!
You never know the blessings you may receive!


IN MY NAME, WELCOMES ME." Matthew 18:5


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 16 - July 29 Examination!

On the flight yesterday, Max was visibly sad and the Purser said he told him that his misses his foster Mom a lot! He has grieved the hardest in some ways but then other times he is all rambunctious boy! I am just glad he can vocalize it.

When we got to Guangzhou our guide let us know how much RMB we would be needing for the medical and Visa photo so I went across the street to the bank to make sure I had the right amount. I decided to use the ATM to get RMB out. This was a new experience for me. I had to try 3 times before I figured out what I was doing wrong. I would get through all the screens OK and put in the amount of RMB I needed and then it said correct or a couple other things, I thought it meant correct amount, yes! Instead it meant do you need to correct the amount! Once I figured out it was a breeze and beats the lines and everything else required to convert money.

We got to meet up with the rest of our group from MAA, it was nice to put faces with the names. We met up in the lobby and walked to the place for the visa photo and then off to the medical exam.

Marc weighs 18 Kg and 108 cm tall and Max weighs 23.5 Kg and 117 cm tall.

When they did the eye exam, they have hands on the chart and the child Max in the photo below is supposed to say which way the hands are going. Well if you look closely to the picture Marc is making his hands go the same direction.

The doctor that examined the boys! He has a white lab coat on and then like sport shorts on under it. I wondered how he could have all those cloths on, we were hottttt!

For those of you that have been here before, Lucy's is still here. I took the boys there for dinner, they both like grilled cheese sandwiches and french fries. We also got stir fried broccoli which was the first thing to the table, Max loved and and Marc started crying and refused it. I think he thought that was all we were going to eat. After the sandwiches got there he did eat one piece of broccoli.


Anonymous said...

Love reading the blog. Sounds like things are going wonderfully. Broccoli is my little guy's favorite. You'll all be home before you know it. Do you know anyone local to you that speaks Mandarin? My accupuncturist (a Chinese adoptive mom herself) tried to act as translator for me but my little guy wouldn't have it. He was much younger though and hearing impaired so hard to know what he wasn't responding to. Prayers for a safe journey!

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Lucys! We always started out with a plate of that broccoli and had to count and divide it so one person wouldn't eat it all. We ate all our lunchs & dinners at Lucy (except for 2) and finally got smart and started with 2 plates of broccoli! YUM!

Good boys...liking their grilled cheese! LOL!

Sally-Girl! said...

Debbie, HOw are the boys doing with learning English? Are they using any English in their communication with you or each other? And why is your trip longer than usual?


Starla said...

We always loved the broccoli at Lucy's! I think we ordered it every time. After a week of touring and a week of adoption, all the time eating only Chinese, I was always happy to get to Lucy's. So great to see the smiles on the boys faces. You are getting close to being done and getting home to your family.

Blessings, Starla