When God calls you must be willing to say "Here I am send me!"
Sometimes it takes a leap of faith accepting that He will provide!
You never know the blessings you may receive!


IN MY NAME, WELCOMES ME." Matthew 18:5


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 4 - July 17 Evening

I think we finally had a major break through this afternoon! The boys were playing and I would play with them for a while, we would have a "tickle fest" and just goof off and be silly and then they would go back to playing with each other. In the middle of their playing they both run up to me and hugged me and gave me a kisses and said "I love you" in Mandarin!!! This was without any initiation on my part for a change!
As we were getting ready to go out for dinner, Marc had his sandals on the wrong feet, Max noticed it and switched them without my asking! It is so good to see them look out for each other!
Pizza Hut Dalian China!

Later we went out for dinner and decided to stop at Pizza Hut, it sure was nicer than the one in our home town! I don't think the boys liked it all that much though but I thought it was great! Marc like the pizza bones (the crust) but not any of the rest of it! This was the first time we have left the hotel since being in Dalian that neither of the boys had a melt down when we left the hotel! They also stayed happy the whole time we were gone!
They gave the boys the little eagles that you punch out and put together!
Marc ready to eat!


Darlene said...


I am so much enjoying the journey with you in China and Timmy (Guo Tai) is seeing the pics of the boys too.

I love the green grass in the pics..it was white snow when we were there in January! I hope you can go to the sea and take the boys to I think it was called Tiger park?

We stayed at same motel..we also sat near the entrance but they gave us silverware, all of us. Timmy loved the yogurt in China and the boiled eggs and pastries all fruit he loved. He loves the KFC chicken and corn too.

You have your hands full with the two boys for sure. We are praying for you and glad it was easier for you tonight.

Timmy had harder time going to sleep in China, but here he's asleep every time within 10 minutes..a blessing.
Mama to Timmy Guo Tai from Dalian

Ava's family said...

I've been following your trip from a link on China Adoption sites and I'm really enjoying your blog. Your boys are just adorable! I'm glad things were easier for you today. Sending you good thoughts from Michigan.

Starla said...

What a joy to see your boys with their mama! You are an amazing mama!

Starla, mom to 7
including 3 from China

Jennifer said...

Hi Debby,
I am in awe- I had my dh and daughter with me when we traveled for dd#2 and it was tough. On second thought - maybe it would have been easier without ...dh LOL
Get your friends to take more pix of the boys with you - I have a whole album in which I do not appear.
Jennifer W (adopt cleft)

Jennifer said...

How did I miss your journey to date. I was reading through your journey and regonized Lexi. My husband and I travelled to China to adopt our Xuwen baby in April 2007. We had Lexi's info and were going to attempt a visit to Xuwen, but it didn't work out. Praying for you. SOOO glad you were able to travel before the Olympics!